SEO for Kitchen Renovation Companies

SEO for Kitchen Renovation Companies

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What is SEO for Kitchen Renovation Companies

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a digital marketing strategy which helps your kitchen renovation company’s website get more leads and projects.

This method is excellent for businesses wanting to grow their online visibility. SEO draws in customers who are looking for kitchen remodeling services near them.

For example, 75% of clicks of customers searching for Kitchen Renovation services only look at the first page of results. According to Semrush, there are 140 searches for “kitchen renovation Ottawa.” This number may seem low but each kitchen renovation project ranges from $13,000 – $40,000.

There are 140 searches for “Kitchen Renovation Services” in Ottawa only. SEO is critical to begin taking this traffic.

Benefits of SEO for Kitchen Renovation Companies

By optimizing your kitchen renovation website for search engines, your business will have:

  • Increased Visibility: SEO helps your website rank higher in search engine results, making it easier for potential clients to find you when they search for kitchen renovation services.

  • Higher Conversion Rates: Visitors coming to your site through organic search are often more likely to convert into customers, as they are actively searching for the services you provide.

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Unlike paid advertising, SEO provides a long-term, sustainable way to attract traffic without the ongoing expense of ads.

  • Building Trust and Credibility: Websites that appear higher in search results are often perceived as more trustworthy and credible by users.

What type of SEO is required for Kitchen Renovation Companies

Below are the main forms of SEO that are required for all Kitchen Renovation companies to be successful and begin gaining clients through organic methods.

Keyword research is the process of identifying phrases that potential customers use to search for services online.

In the context of kitchen renovation companies, this involves finding keywords that people are typing into search engines to find kitchen remodeling services, design ideas, contractors, and related information.

Keyword research is also about determining which keywords are realistic to begin ranking for, and which keywords are most likely to bring the highest return for a kitchen renovation company.

Here is our Keyword Research Process

  1. Understand your Audience: Determine what the common queries of people who are looking for kitchen remodeling services. What types of search results do we want to appear, and what search results do we not want to appear in.
  2. Use Keyword Research Tools: Use tools such as Google Keyword Planner and SEMRush to identify popular and relevant keywords in the kitchen remodeling industry.
    You can use Google suggestions to gather more ideas for keywords
  3. Local Keyword Variations: Think of modifiers that users will use to determine what contractor they will call. This involves words such as the City name, or "best kitchen remodelers in [Area]".
  4. Analyze Competitors: Look at what keywords your competitors are ranking for. This will give you insights on what keywords are effective in the kitchen remodeling market. It's usually a good idea to reverse engineer a keyword list that is already successful for another company.

Local SEO is about ensuring that your business appears in your local area in the search results. For Kitchen Renovation companies, this means being specific in your website and Google Business Profile about what locations you serve.

Local SEO begins with your Google Business Profile. If you run a kitchen renovation business, you must tell Google where you are. You do this by setting up your Google Business Profile and adding your address, hours, and the services you provide.

An example of a Google Business Profile. Note the address, hours, phone number, etc. All information must be accurate.

The next step is to implement a strategy to collect more reviews. Google uses the number of good reviews you have as a critical way to rank your website’s SEO.

Local SEO also involves adding the locations you serve on your website. For example, if your kitchen remodeling service is in Ottawa, you should have a webpage communicating this to Google.

You do this by creating a page aimed at the keyword “kitchen renovation service Ottawa.” You can go further by adding more content pages linked to your location.

Also, putting your business on local online directories is a smart move. Again, this communicates to Google that your kitchen renovation services are available in your area.

On-page SEO is about optimizing each page to start gathering more traffic. For Kitchen Renovation companies, this means to ensure that each page of your website is structured in a way that Search Engines understand.

This includes optimizing your content, adding the correct HTML tags, and images.

Our On-Page SEO process typically includes:

  1. Optimizing Title Tags & Meta Descriptions: Ensure each page has a unique title tag and meta description that includes relevant keywords. 
  2. Keyword Optimization: Use relevant keywords throughout the website content.
  3. User Experience: Ensure the website is easy to navigate and provides a positive user experience. 
  4. Internal Linking: Use internal links to connect the content within the website. This not only helps with SEO but makes it easier for visitors to find related information.
  5. Image Optimization: Optimize images by using descriptive file names and alt tags and ensuring they are sized correctly.

Technical SEO is about optimizing the infrastructure of your website so search engines can crawl it effectively.

Our Technical SEO process includes:

  1. Site Speed: Website loading speed is a critical factor in search engine ranking and user experience. We optimize images and minimize HTTP request to improve your website's speed.
  2. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Certificate: SSL Certificates secure the connection between the website and its users. Search engines favour secure websites (https).
  3. Crawlability and Indexing: Ensure search engines can easily crawl your website. Submit a sitemap to Google Search Console and use a robots.txt file to guide search engine crawlers.
    Submitting your sitemap to Google Search console is a great way to ensure Google is aware of all your pages.
  4. 404 Errors and Redirects: Regularly check for broken links and fix 404 errors. This also includes setting up 301 redirects for pages that have been moved to maintain user experience.

Off-Page SEO refers to actions taken outside of your own website that will impact your search engine rankings. 

For Kitchen renovation companies, off-page SEO is about building backlinks, managing online reputation, and creating social media engagement.

The most effective way to improve your rankings is to build backlinks. Backlinks are links on a website (that is not yours) that send a user to your website. When a website links to yours, it’s like they’re saying your business is good.

Here are ways to get backlinks for a kitchen renovation company:

  1. Guest Blogging: Offer to write useful articles about kitchen improvements for other websites. They might link back to your website.
  2. Broken Link Building: Find links that don’t work on websites related to your field. Ask them to replace these with links to your website.
  3. Monitor Competitor Backlinks: See who’s linking to your competitors and ask those websites if they could link to you too.
    A tool like SEMrush can determine all the backlinks your competitor has.
  4. Press Releases and Media Outreach: Send news about your business to local media. This can get you good backlinks from news websites.

Want help with your Kitchen Renovation Company?

Contact us and we'd love to see how we can help you with your Kitchen Remodeling Business.

SEO Tips for Kitchen Renovation Companies

1. Create a Keyword Map and Analyze It

A keyword map is a document that aligns keywords to individual pages on your website.

For a Kitchen Renovation website, a keyword map ensure that each page targets the correct set of keywords.

Pay special attention to the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) features on your targeted keywords. SERP features include things such as featured snippets, local packs, image or video carousels. All of these features can affect how your content appears in the search results.

For example, if “Kitchen Renovation Ideas” triggers the image carousels, ensure that your page includes high-quality and relevant images.

A search for ‘kitchen renovation ideas’ will trigger the image carousels, as images are related to the intent of the keyword.

Another example is the “which kitchen countertop is the best” which triggers the Google Shopping Tab.

A search for “What kitchen countertop is the best” triggers the Google Shopping Tab.

2. Choose Keywords by Intent, then Volume

A typical SEO mistake is focusing on how often a keyword is searched. Knowing the volume of a keyword is important, but it shouldn’t dictate your entire SEO strategy. What is more important is the intent of the keyword.

As a kitchen remodeling business, your primary goal is to gather more leads that will bring you customers. There is no point of having a lot of organic traffic if none of them are seriously interested in your services.

The more likely a keyword is to turn someone browsing the web into a potential customer, the more critical it is. Focusing on this makes your keywords, content, and website traffic better.

3. Only Use One H1 Tag Per Page

Using just one H1 heading is critical for telling search engines and readers what your page is about. Having multiple H1 headings leads to confusion and lack of clarity.

This page that is ranking first for “Kitchen Renovation Toronto” only has one H1 heading.

4. Web Pages should not be deeper than 3 clicks

In SEO, there’s a widely accepted guideline known as the “3 Click Rule.” This rule suggests that users should be able to find any page on your website within three clicks from the homepage.

For kitchen renovation companies, adhering to this rule is crucial for a user-friendly website experience. The easier information and pages are found, the more likely it is to be crawled by Google and shown in search engine results.

5. Avoid Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization occurs when multiple pages of a website compete with each other for the same keyword.

In the context of a kitchen renovation company, this might happen if several pages are optimized for keywords like “kitchen remodeling services” without differentiating the specific focus of each page.

Instead of having one strong page ranking for a keyword, you spread the authority among multiple pages, which can weaken the overall SEO performance.

When multiple pages target the same keywords, search engines struggle to determine which page is most relevant, potentially lowering the rank of all involved pages.

6. Refresh Old Content

Refreshing old content involves updating and improving previously published web pages or blog posts.

For a kitchen renovation company, this could mean revisiting older project showcases, blog articles, or service descriptions, and making them more current, relevant, and engaging.

Updating old content ensures that the information remains accurate and relevant, especially important in an industry like kitchen renovation where trends and technologies evolve.

Search engines also favor fresh, updated content. By refreshing old pages, you can potentially improve your website’s search engine rankings.

7. Optimize your Web Pages for Mobiles

Nearly 60 percent of all online searches are carried out on a mobile device. With a significant number of users accessing websites through smartphones and tablets, ensuring your website is mobile-friendly is essential for reaching your audience effectively.

Why Mobile Optimization Matters for Kitchen Renovation Websites:

  • Increased Mobile Traffic: More and more people use mobile devices for internet browsing. A mobile-optimized site ensures that this growing audience can access your content easily.
  • Improved User Experience: Mobile optimization provides a better browsing experience for your audience. A site that loads quickly and is easy to navigate on a small screen keeps visitors engaged.
  • Higher Search Engine Rankings: Search engines like Google prioritize mobile-friendly websites in their rankings. Mobile optimization is key to improving your online visibility.
  • Enhanced Local SEO: Many mobile searches are local. For kitchen renovation companies, a mobile-optimized site can improve visibility in local search results.

A mobile optimized web page that is ranking for “Kitchen Renovation Toronto”

8. Show Clear Call to Actions

Calls to action (CTAs) are essential elements of any website, serving as guides that tell visitors what to do next. For kitchen renovation companies, clear and compelling CTAs can significantly influence visitor engagement and conversion rates.

For example, a kitchen remodeling business might want visitors to look at their services, gallery, pricing, and contact pages in this order.

Effective CTAs also lead to higher conversion rates by encouraging visitors to take specific actions, like requesting a consultation or signing up for a newsletter.

The clear call to actions for a Kitchen Remodeling service in Chicago

9. Always Check your Progress!

Google Search Console is a vital tool for website owners, including kitchen renovation companies.

It allows you to monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot your website’s presence in Google Search results. Regularly checking your progress with Google Search Console helps you understand how your site is performing and what you can do to improve its visibility and ranking.

Regular checks of your search results helps your business stay visible on search engines and attract more customers.

To check your organic traffic, log into your Google Search Console and click on Performance.

A typical graph of the performance of a webpage on Google Search Console.

Frequently Asked Questions for Kitchen Renovation SEO

You can discover more keywords by checking out Google's search suggestions and looking at what keywords your competitors rank for using tools like Semrush and Ahrefs.

Kitchen renovation companies should focus on keywords related to their services, who they want to reach, and where they are located. It's also good to target long-tail keywords and questions. Think like your customers. What problems might they have? What might they search for on Google?

It would help if you used your keywords in the text on your web pages, photos, page titles and headings. Remember to also include keywords in your meta descriptions, the alt text for images, and the structure of your URLs.

A sitemap is a list of  all pages on your kitchen renovation website. A sitemap helps search engines navigate your website easily. 

Improve your Google Business Profile by filling with the correct categories and keywords. Add great photos to show your professionalism to Google and your customers. Also, try to get as many customer reviews as possible.

Absolutely! If people find your blog, they could turn into customers. The more content and keywords you have in your kitchen renovation blog, the better your chances are of turning visitors into customers.

As much as possible. However, do not compensate quality for quantity. A good start is 1 blog a week. Respect all SEO guidelines when blogging.

Blog posts are the perfect place to target long-tail keywords and question-related keywords. For example, you can use phrases like "Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting a Kitchen Remodel."

You can get backlinks by writing guest blogs for other websites in your industry, listing your business in directories, and checking where your competitors get their backlinks using tools like Semrush and Ahrefs.

You can track your performance by using Google Analytics and Bing Webmaster, watching your keyword rankings on Semrush, keeping an eye on conversion rates on your website, and regularly checking your website traffic.

Hisham Ali
Hisham Ali

Co-Founder of VixelStudio and Head of Sales

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